Welcome to the Mysteries Section

Mysteriesimages-10As a human being, my DNA is coded with a curious wonder of the mysteries of the world and beyond. As a writer, my soul thrives on solving those mysteries. Which is the very fuel that feeds my passion. Through research, many of my ideas are born and I work tirelessly to flesh them out onto the page. The biggest battle when starting a new novel is catching myself from getting lost within the research. To me, it’s like a never-ending maze. One I am all too happy to indulge getting lost within! But nary a book is penned if I don’t abandon that maze at some point and begin my translation of fact into fiction.

In this section of Coffee & Cats…the Essence of a Writer’s Life, I will seek to bring yothe_eye_of_horus_by_malhadinhab-d36m6vku all of the mysteries & fantasies this world has to offer. Especially those that catch my eye!

To view these mysteries, hover your mouse pointer over the word MYSTERIES and a list will drop down containing a multitude of curiosity for you to dive into!

Most of these mysteries are brought to you via World MysteriesTV. If you have an ancient mystery that you’d like to share, please feel free to leave it in the comments below & I’ll do my best to research the topic and present you with a bonafide article that will whet your appetite!

Always keep your eye to the sky, your ear to the ground & your head buried in history! ENJOY!


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