Welcome to my Fiction Writing

WriterIf you’ve read my blog Welcome to the Coffee & Cats page, you may have caught the part where I said I’d be posting all about worldly mysteries, the human condition & our choices, food, recipes & healthy living and…something else.

So far, I have kept my promise. I’ve blogged about the human condition here in my most popular post at the time of this writing: My Sister’s Iced Tea. Here is a delicious at-home recipe for my BEST Tandoori Chicken. And…I’ve demystified the question of What is Love?

So, that leaves the…something else. (Hint: see title. BIG Reveal, I know…)

Yes sirree! That something else would be my fiction writing!

Today, I’ve uploaded most of my short/long stories, all free for your reading pleasure. On the horizon, keep a lookout for…something more.

You didn’t think I’d let you leave without a little mystery still floating in the ether, did you? You’ll just have to be patient, but I’ll give you a clue: Keep your eye on my Facebook page for hints.

Now git!!


Have a read or two or ten on me: FREE! 😉

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