Welcome To Author Dean Kutzler’s Blog


I’d like to welcome everyone to my new blog! I’m retiring the old blog, Coffee & Cats, because–well, frankly, Xena is just tired of doing it!

The purpose of a blog is to reach people, and the old format just didn’t accomplish that in the way I’d hoped. It got tens of thousands of hits all over the world (which I’m humbly grateful over) but not much engagement. People were reading and moving on. While I must’ve touched them on some level, which is what I wanted, it wasn’t enough to make a measurable difference.

I’m solely to blame and I do apologize. When I started this page I was a new writer that didn’t quite have my vision & goals properly aligned.

Since then I’ve learned a thing or two and discovered that I can enjoy writing in more than one genre, for one. I first started out writing horror and discovered thrillers were more my bag! Hence the bestselling Jack Elliot Series!

Just because you love reading something, doesn’t mean it’s exactly for you. Don’t get me wrong, I can spin a horror story with the best of them, but it wasn’t where my strengths & talents truly lied.

As beginner writers, the first journey we’re on (if we realize it) is to find our voices. It’s something I discover anew everyday. Currently, I discovered that I ABSOLUTELY LOVE writing science fiction!

I’m returning to my inner geek of younger days! I think working in that dry, boring accounting job all those years had steered me in the wrong direction, made me feel like science fiction was for kids!

OH BOY! Was I wrong…(and stupid!)

Over the course of the coming months, I’m going to start slowly revamping this blog and align it more naturally with my goals. That doesn’t mean that I still won’t post the occasional inspirational, heart-felt posts that you guys have come to love! They’ll just be less frequent. I’ll organize everything so it’ll be easy to just pick a category and go from there.

What am I changing besides that???

I’m going to gear this blog for budding writers. I’ve met so many helpful authors further along in their journey than I was at the time, that took the time to lend me a hand when I needed them. I don’t have to tell you folks that I’m all about caring & sharing. If you’re here, you already know that!

It’s my turn to give back!

What does that mean exactly? It means that I’m going to post things about writing. I’ll share my processes, what I’ve learned along the way, tips & tricks, etc. Like I said above, I’ll still share/write life-inspirational posts, along with new ones!

I hope you enjoy what you’ll see! Drop me a comment and let me know how I’m doing!

Until then, HAPPY READING!

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